Welcome to TheK.n.M.! I’m so glad you are here!
My name is Kimberllee Mendez and here is where you will find a little bit of everything from my journal entries, my fashion favorites, makeup favorites, places to go in New York City, even video game reviews and much more. There will even be a section where I would highlight women I follow on my social media and I bring their stories to you, the reader.
But a little background about me; I discovered my love for writing at a very young age. It all started in seventh grade, I was given my first real journal. With this new journal, almost everyday I was writing in it. But then I discovered Journalism in the eighth grade and that made me love writing even more (thanks early college program). I decided when I was in high school that I wanted to pursue writing as a profession. I wanted to be a journalist. So I now have earned a Bachelors Degree in Journalism.
How TheK.n.M came to be?
TheK.n.M. was an idea I had in my last semester of college but I’ve this idea of doing for a while as well. There was an assignment where we had to create a media company and I thought of TheK.n.M. My professor really liked the idea and I thought to myself, “why don’t I make this a real site?”. So TheK.n.M is born!
Check out some stories I have published in my college career!
Links Below:
photo credit: provided by me