We all know famous clothing brands such as Supreme, Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, but there are some clothing brands most people aren’t aware of. There are three brands that I recently have followed on my Instagram page and I want to share them with you. The three brands are from woman creators and it’s geared towards women which is why I also love them so much. I feel like they need to be shared with the world because these shops are so great in their own way. Each of these brands have a message such as empowering women to be themselves and not being afraid of who they are. The three brands are called Hause of Curls, Zeba and E.G. Atelier.

First up on the list is Hause of Curls. Hause of Curls is a shop all about hair, specifically curls. This amazing brand was created by Sherly Tavarez who is a Latina Entrepreneur of her clothing brand, but she is also a fashion stylist. She has made her brand into an empire on how the simple message that every hair type is beautiful and to love yourself with your hair. My favorite clothing piece would definitely be the “Pelo Malo (translates bad hair) where?” shirt which reminds me of childhood a lot and even now that I been natural for two years. My grandmother used to tell me that phrase, but it was always in her own cute way and even call me a puff ball, along those lines. I definitely resonate with that. If you’re looking for shirt, check her shop out (link in the title) and also check out her instagram, link in her name.

Second one down the list is Zeba. This shop is dedicated to body inclusion and body positivity; wanting every woman to feel empowered in whichever body type they are. This brand was created by Bangladeshi- American beauty Youtuber, Nabela Noor who revolutionized the way sizing is for her clothing brand. As shown the picture, you see inspiring words like passionate, brave, inspiring and many more; it their sizing chart called “The Zeba Standard” which is what I love about this brand. Society shows us what the beauty standard is but, Zeba breaks that standard with these self-love words to remind women they are more than a size small or large. I can’t wait to see what more empowering pieces they come out with and it will be amazing. Check out her youtube videos (link in her name) and her amazing brand (link in title).

Last but not least is E.G. Atelier. Now this shop was created by Emmalynn Gonazalez who lives in Puerto Rico and is a self-taught artist. Not only is she an amazing artist but she is also a fashion enthusiast. What’s amazing about this shop is that she makes all her jewelry from scratch with clay and also her pattern-like art prints. Each of her pieces are so colorful and bold, it’s hard to choose a favorite. I would say I love everything she offers. Her prints also feature different Spanish sayings and a different woman which is a nice touch. I haven’t gotten anything yet but check out the shop (link in title) and also her instagram page, the link is on her name.
There will definitely be a part two to this list because I know there a lot of women brands out there. These three brands are the ones I found when I first made my blog instagram. I hope you guys find your favorite pieces in these stores and feel empowered! Leave comment on online women created stores I should know.
editorial sources// Hause of Curls website, E.G. Atelier website, zeba website/instagram and The Wing Merch Store website
featured image source// pixels.com
I love seeing young women entrepreneurs. It is very inspiring to the younger generation. Great job at showcasing these accomplishments. Love it.
Yes me too! It’s very empowering to me as well! Thanks for reading!!